The Coincidence of the Road
For the past few months I have been scratching my head trying to solve a statistical problem with an answer that seems astronomical. There are so many seemingly small unconnected events that have led up to me getting ready to depart on another journey tomorrow morning. If even one of those events had been slightly different I would probably be sitting in an office right now. Instead I have a built up touring bicycle that is ready to hit the road, a one way ticket to Santiago, Chile and an Australian touring partner/boyfriend to share the journey with.
So how do two people from opposite sides of the world meet? By both cycling onto a ferry headed from the mainland of Scotland to the remote Outer Hebrides Islands of course. Throw in a couple of crazy windstorms that delayed plans to go our separate ways and a well timed bottle of whiskey.
Rest break while cycling in Scotland
Voila after 3 months hanging out in Canada and introducing Ty to Canadian winter it is time to hit the road again.
To say I am excited is an understatement. After getting to do two short cycle tours during my last year of travelling I was immediately hooked. For me the bike offers one of the purest forms of travel. Earning every kilometre of your journey with nothing but your own power is an incredible experience. Life travels at a different speed on the bicycle and you find yourself fully immersed in the places you are travelling in.
The new touring bike on a test ride
Hope you will all follow along as the journey continues...