Misadventure in Flight
Hola, and welcome to my very first shiny new blog update. For those of you that don't already know I am currently on the first stop of my open ended world tour in Ushuaia, Argentina aka Fin del Mundo or "End of the World". Getting here required teetering on the edge of disaster for 36 hours of airports and airplanes. Things started off bad with a 4 hour delay in my red eye flight from Edmonton to Toronto. Which in turn meant that I completely missed my flight to Miami. I was lucky enough to get on a later flight and escaped Toronto just before things got really crazy there. In Miami I sprinted across the entire airport, which is not small, to get to my gate just as boarding started. Then another overnight flight landed me in Buenos Aires relatively on time, except minus my luggage which unfortunately stayed behind in Miami. After sorting out my baggage dilemma and sneaking to the front of a massive lineup at customs I had to take an hour and a half bus ride through the middle of Buenos Aires to arrive once again just in time to catch my last flight to Ushuaia. I spent today wandering around Ushuaia which is a laid back small city. Picture Banff, with all of its mountains, trendy hiking stores and tourists except everything is in Spanish and one side is surrounded by ocean. The temperature has been cool, about 10-15C, and the days are long, a welcome relief to the dark Alberta winter. It's great being so close to the mountains and I am hoping to get out to the national park outside the city soon. I have included some photos from my excursion today. I think I have finally figured out this blogging thing so stay tuned for more updates.